All your questions answered

What is an NFT?

NFTs are digital assets that can be purchased, sold, and traded at will, just as you could anything else you owned. Our NFTs are different to many other NFTS though, as they have physical benefits / utilities that are linked to each NFT purchased.

Why do some collections say mint?

There are some collections that you are unable to buy with your credit or debit card. With these you have to purchase with crypto which means that they have to be minted first. The video below talks you through the process of minting.

How do I buy an NFT?

You can buy your NFT with your credit or debit card and other payment methods such as PayPal. This means it’s quick and easy and you don’t have to use cryptocurrencies to do this. Click buy now, enter your payment details and you will receive an email to confirm your order and another email which will send you to your Venly wallet where your NFT is stored.

Where is my NFT stored?

If you purchase using the “buy now” button, your NFT will be stored in your Venly Wallet. After you have purchased your NFT you will be sent an email which links through to the wallet where your NFTs are stored. The Venly Wallet is a digital place where your Heroes NFTs are securely stored.

What benefits will I receive when buying an NFT from Heroes NFT Club and how often will I receive the benefits / utilities?

The benefits differ based on the particular NFT that you buy. The benefits or utilities are clearly listed in the Benefits page of each collection.

Each benefit for each collection has different frequencies depending on the NFT purchased. When you are purchasing the NFT, the frequency of the benefits / utilities will be clearly displayed.

How do I know when the NFTs will be available?

The drop dates for each NFT collection will be published on our site when they are confirmed.

What do the stars mean on my NFT?

The stars form part of our Monthly Star Rewards program. More details can be found by clicking here


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